Look out for our
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned with upcoming events held at House of Health
18 Young Steet, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039
Please contact us at houseofhealthmv@gmail.com for any enquiries, to book your place at an event or if you would like to enquire about hiring our beautiful space for your next workshop

Women's Wellbeing Workshop
Next Date TBA
Join us for a glass of wine (or a cup of tea) for this ladies night in to chat about wellness and addressing stress.
In this workshop we will discuss:
- Common symptoms of stress
- How stress can affect a woman's body
- Strategies to reduce your stress
- Taking back control of your health
- How Chiropractic care can help your wellbeing
Wine, grazing platter & herbal tea provided.
Bring a friend!
Please use the online booking system to secure your place.
Limited places available.
Event Cost: FREE
Mum's, Bubs & Tummy Time
Tummy Time for your bub is so important for neurodevelopment.
Bring your bub a long and join Dr. Jayden for a practical workshop to learn:
Why tummy time is so important
How much tummy time is recommended
When to start tummy time
Easy ways to implement tummy time
The Colic Cycle
What to do if your baby doesn't like tummy time
Please use the online booking system to secure your place.
Limited places available.
Event Cost: FREE

Spinal Health Checks
Please email us to express your interest, or if you would like to arrange this free screening for your school, local community or workplace
Join our Chiropractor Dr. Jayden & Remedial Massage Therapist Wesley for a free Posture and Musculoskeletal Screening Session. We will use digital posture analysis technology and manual postural assessment to give you insight into your current spinal health. Learn how pain can be caused by poor posture and subluxations.
If you suffer from:
Backpain, Neck pain, Headaches, Migraines, Sciatic pain, Injuries,
or are just curious to know about how your posture is affecting your spinal health, wellbeing and performance - this screening is for you!
Light refreshments provided. Bring a friend!
​Please use the online booking system to secure your place.
Limited places available.
Event Cost: FREE
Catchup With Our Chiro
Please email us to express your interest
Join us for a dinner with the Doc at House of Health; and learn about the different types of stress (physical and emotional); and the effects this has on our body, wellness and performance. Learn strategies to reduce your stress and improve your overall health.
This workshop is for you if you experience any type of acute or chronic physical pain, anxiety, difficulty sleeping and fatigue.
​Event Cost: FREE
Dinner is on us!

Mother's Blessings
Please email us to express your interest
Mothering the mother is so important and as a mother of 2, Tina understands how vital it is to honour each and every mother during such a precious time in their lives. With the use of art, vibrational sounds, intention and meditation, Tina's mother blessings are for those wanting to honour the chosen mother during the blessing.
Our Mother's Blessings include:
•A welcoming circle and intention for the blessing
•Creating a 50cm x 60cm Mother Is Nature artwork each
•Yummy food to keep mother energised and her circle too
•Meditation and sound healing to really connect to the mind, body and soul.
•Create a "Love jar" for the mumma with written loving and motivational words for the mother to pull out whenever she desires.
Total time of a mothers blessing with Tina is 4 hours.
Each attendee will go home with:
An artwork and bonus goodies valued at $50.
The Mother will be going home with an artwork and goodies valued at $250.
Event Cost: $275
Mother's place is FREE

Craft & Cacao
Please email us to express your interest
Join us for a relaxing night in to unwind, release your inner creativity and connect with other women. We will begin the night with a guided cacao ceremony meditation where you will tap into your heart's desires and gain clarity about what you would like to manifest in your life.
There will then be an opportunity to journal quietly by candlelight, followed by a craft activity to let your inner creativity flow.
Cacao, strawberries, chocolate & herbal tea provided.
Event Cost: $79

Hypnobirthing Classes
Upcoming Dates:
September Intake: Sunday, September 15th & 22nd
November Intake: Sunday, November 10th & 17th
The Hypnobirthing Australia™, Positive Birth Program is a down-to-earth and evidence-based childbirth class that brings together ancient wisdom with modern education.
Classes are designed to support mothers and their birth partners, providing them with the knowledge, tools and techniques to prepare themselves for a calm birthing experience.
Hypnobirthing Uses a Combination of Techniques
-Breathing Techniques
-Light Touch Massage
-Relaxation Techniques
What's Included?
12 hours of Face to Face tuition spread over 2 days
Certified Hypnobirthing Australia™ materials including a comprehensive folio of resources
Downloadable mp3 hypnosis tracks for pregnancy & birth
eBook "Little Book of Hypnobirthing"
Acupressure Cheat Sheet
Practise Tutorials
Ongoing phone/Email support leading up to your birth.
What will you be learning?
Unit 1: Creating & Maintaining a Positive Mindset
Unit 2: Our Toolkit for Birth
Unit 3: Preparation & Choices for Empowered Birthing
Unit 4: Birth Bringing it all Together
Spots Limited
Investment: $595 per couple
For more information, please email hello@maidenmeetsmother.com.au